NSSRA Foundation Capital Campaign

Ready for a Home of Their Own
For nearly 50 years, NSSRA had been using shared space in local park district facilities to create an environment of belonging through play for children, teens and adults with disabilities who live in its partner communities in Chicago’s northern suburbs. But as demand for NSSRA’s recreational services and programs grew dramatically, it became clear that the country’s first Special Recreation Association needed a permanent space of its own. In 2019, NSSRA purchased a building that required extensive renovation to create safe, fully accessible participant spaces. NSSRA’s partner agencies – including 10 park districts, two cities and one village – funded $3 million of the renovation costs.
To raise the additional $2.2 million needed, the NSSRA Foundation worked closely with TW&B to launch and manage the first capital campaign in the organization’s history — “A Place to Belong.”
Achieving the campaign goal required tackling three primary challenges:
- Aggressive timeline: NSSRA was eager to begin renovating the space as soon as possible to minimize increases in construction costs.
- Minimal previous fundraising: NSSRA’s donor pool was relatively small, no major gift program existed and previous fundraising had focused solely on scholarships.
- Limited public awareness: NSSRA’s visibility is relatively low beyond the families that it serves.
Phase I – Assessment & Plan Development
TWB fundraising consultants assessed NSSRA’s current fundraising operations, conducted a wealth screen on their database and created a detailed capital campaign plan including a timeline, action steps, and donor cultivation and solicitation strategies.
Phase II – Campaign Execution
With a clear, well-structured approach and supportive coaching, our experienced fundraising consultants collaborated closely with NSSRA’s Board, Executive Director and leadership team, and volunteer campaign chairs to channel their deep passion and boundless energy into highly effective fundraising.
Our approach included:
- Applying thorough research and data analysis to support development of thoughtful, personalized solicitations, including specific talking points for every donor meeting
- Building confidence and skills of leaders soliciting gifts through consistent training and support, and emphasizing prospect management
- Leveraging strong relationships to expand donor pool and secure stretch gifts
- Working closely with the NSSRA marketing team to create highly effective communications and collateral
- Conducting tours of raw space to reinforce need and help potential donors envision the possibilities
- Supporting campaign committee in peer-to-peer fundraising opportunities
- Re-igniting momentum after COVID-19 paused in-person solicitation efforts for two months
In only 16 months – including a pandemic-caused interruption to fundraising efforts – NSSRA met its $2.2 million capital campaign goal. Renovation began on the building in December 2020 and was completed in September 2021.
The 16,000 square feet of dedicated programming space in the new facility includes recreation areas, a teaching kitchen, meeting rooms, a participant lounge, a library, fully accessible washrooms, and a safe drop-off/pick-up hub.
Here’s what NSSRA has already been able to accomplish with the new facility:
- Offer hundreds of new programs including fitness activities, arts programs, piano lessons, dances, culinary classes and free family movie nights
- Host its adult day program, Enriched Lifestyles for Adults (ELA), exclusively in the Slotnick Center and expand the number of participants
- Plant and harvest gardens in the elevated courtyard planters
- Provide accessible parking and enhanced participant safety in the well-lit parking lot
- Enable partner agencies to use the facility for staff workshops and dance and theater performances
Thanks to the success of the campaign and the size, flexibility and accessibility of the Slotnick Center, NSSRA looks forward to continuing to expand its programs and services to meet growing demand and to better serve participants of all ages and abilities in a place they truly belong.

Craig Culp Executive Director NSSRA