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Tag: Client News

TWB Fundraising Unveils New Name, Brand, and Vibrant Website

Our team at TWB Fundraising is thrilled to announce the launch of our new name, brand, and website. Developed through a collaborative process that involved examination of our values and goals, this rebrand goes well beyond a change in logo and colors. It represents a strategic evolution that showcases our unique leadership, adaptability, and innovative spirit. It marks a significant milestone expressing our unwavering dedication to making a positive impact in the nonprofit sector.  

Continue reading to learn more about why we’re so excited about our brand transformation.

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Student Loan Forgiveness

There’s a lot in the news about student loan forgiveness of $10,000 or $20,000, and if you’ve looked into student loan forgiveness programs, you might have come across potential scamming sites. Below, we’re sharing an application for public service loan forgiveness, and tips to avoid potential student loan forgiveness scams. If you do not have student loans, be sure to share this with your colleagues!

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Burning Man — Philanthropy in Action

This September, I hopped on a plane to Reno to embark on my first Burning Man event. While I expected to enjoy the weekend, I quickly discovered that it far surpassed anything I’d imagined. I also came to the surprising (to me, at least!) realization that Burning Man is essentially one big philanthropic adventure.

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