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Tag: donor outreach

5 Ways to Increase Blended Gift Fundraising

No two snowflakes, or people, are exactly alike, so why do we spend a lot of our time looking at donors as lines of data or dollar signs?

We lump them into boxes, like major giver, planned giving donor, and capital campaign prospect. These terms mean nothing to the donor; are self-serving for us (nonprofits); have us short-changing the donor’s capacity; and often don’t get us where we’re trying to go.

Particularly in this challenging fundraising environment – donor retention rates falling, donor confidence waning, cost to acquire new donors rising, and non-profit lay-offs, turn-over and program cuts – we must think outside the box to view donors comprehensively; not in categories, but as our partners and believers – real people we can build relationships that both the donor and our organizations value.

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How to Fundraise as an Ally

This year has been rocked by events that highlight America’s racism and income inequality. For many of us who are white, it has also been a year of soul searching, and of making sure that our fundraising work doesn’t contribute to the very system of bias we’re working to eradicate.

Often, our habits are not only perpetuating classism/racism, but also cause us to overlook individuals who would make wonderful board members, donors, and stakeholders.

Of course, there are many actions needed to take to become an active ally. Here are six important steps to get your organization started:

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6 Things to Know Before Automating Your Donor Outreach

The underlying principles of fundraising have remained unchanged for decades. Even as the nonprofit landscape changes, core concepts like the importance of donor relationships and outreach are not going anywhere. However, the application of these principles has changed dramatically over time, especially with the rise in digital technology and online fundraising in recent years. 

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