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Tag: fundraising advice

Does Your Nonprofit Board Understand Its Fundraising Responsibilities?

For many nonprofit organizations, “Give, Get or Get Off” has been the prevailing philosophy regarding board member fundraising responsibilities. Based on my decades of experience as a development professional, fundraising consultant and nonprofit board member, I would argue it’s smart to adopt a more multifaceted mindset.

There’s no question that fundraising is one of the fundamental responsibilities of a nonprofit board. But too often there’s confusion or lack of clarity surrounding these responsibilities. Investing time and energy in defining them – and the expectations that go hand-in-hand – can yield major dividends in increased engagement, effectiveness and fundraising success.

Here are four practical strategies you can use to help ensure your organization and board have a shared vision and clear understanding regarding fundraising responsibilities:

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Dear Young Development Professionals

As I gently descend into my golden years, some things keep coming to mind that I repeatedly test myself on, and I want to share them with you. The following five recommendations absolutely do not constitute any sort of fundamental commandments; they are simply items that, if you give them some priority in your life, can help make you more successful and, ultimately, happier.

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