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Tag: Marilyn Foster Kirk

Today’s Donors Expect Financial Transparency and Accountability

Today’s donors are very discerning when it comes to their relationships with nonprofit organizations.

Above all, they seek personal alignment with the mission, values, and goals of the organizations they support. They want evidence that their support results in outcomes and lasting impact. While they expect to see facts and metrics that substantiate impact, they especially appreciate well-crafted stories that illustrate how real people and communities are benefiting.

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What is Donor-Centered Fundraising?

What is “donor centered” fundraising?

This term “donor centered fundraising” is used a lot in the fundraising world. The term was brought into popularity by Penelope Burk in her book of the same title, in which she defines donor centered fundraising as “an approach to raising money that inspires donors to remain loyal longer and give more generously.”

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