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Tag: Resources for New Development Professionals

Networking with a Purpose

Networking with a Purpose
The Development Leadership Consortium
Continuing Fellows Reception – January 31, 2013

In no small part, the DLC was created in 1994 to help young professionals in the field of development – or more accurately, advancement – begin to develop utilize a professional network.  Succeeding generations of our alumni may or may not have learned to continue this enterprise, but there is not a lot of evidence that they have optimally used our own organization as a device for doing so, hence this evening’s reception.

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4 Things Great Fundraising Candidates Do in a Job Search


I’ve worked with several organizations in the past year to help them find chief development officers. When I review candidates for fundraising positions, I look to see how the characteristics they exhibit during a job search will transfer to their work in fundraising. In every search, there are always a handful of candidates that stand out from the pack.

So what do these great candidates do?

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Maximizing your Wealth Screening Data

Getting your wealth screening data back can be exciting – look at all those high-level prospects! Yet after the initial enthusiasm wears off, we often see clients with wealth screening data that languishes in an Excel spreadsheet, forgotten in the day to day business of fundraising. Since wealth screening data ages quickly, it’s important to maximize this investment as soon as possible.

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What is Donor-Centered Fundraising?

What is “donor centered” fundraising?

This term “donor centered fundraising” is used a lot in the fundraising world. The term was brought into popularity by Penelope Burk in her book of the same title, in which she defines donor centered fundraising as “an approach to raising money that inspires donors to remain loyal longer and give more generously.”

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Dear Young Development Professionals

As I gently descend into my golden years, some things keep coming to mind that I repeatedly test myself on, and I want to share them with you. The following five recommendations absolutely do not constitute any sort of fundamental commandments; they are simply items that, if you give them some priority in your life, can help make you more successful and, ultimately, happier.

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