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Tag: Wealth Screening

Maximizing your Wealth Screening Data

Getting your wealth screening data back can be exciting – look at all those high-level prospects! Yet after the initial enthusiasm wears off, we often see clients with wealth screening data that languishes in an Excel spreadsheet, forgotten in the day to day business of fundraising. Since wealth screening data ages quickly, it’s important to maximize this investment as soon as possible.

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Infographic: A Basic Analytics Road Map

Is your fundraising team using analytics to enhance its strategy? It’s an increasingly popular buzzword these days, but it might not always be clear what goes into it or how it can improve your program.

In the world of fundraising, analytics encompasses a variety techniques that use data to analyze donor engagement, research prospects, predict donor behavior, evaluate your development program, and project future fundraising performance.

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Five Identifiers of a High Quality Fundraising Prospect


This is a guest post written by Kim Becker Cooper of DonorSearch. DonorSearch is a strategic partner of Ter Molen Watkins & Brandt.

The National Basketball Association has long griped over how to decide the league’s best player. The Most Valuable Player (MVP) award is supposed to go to the league’s top player, but there’s argument over what the word ‘valuable’ means.

Is the MVP the best player on the best team? Is he the most irreplaceable player on a team that would be much worse without him? Is he the player who has the most memorable games and moments, despite lagging behind others in certain metrics?

As with crowning the NBA’s MVP, discovering your best fundraising prospects does not boil down to a single piece of criteria.

There are several qualities that can help identify the potential donors who can give the major gifts that will lead to your organization’s success.

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