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Student Loan Forgiveness

There’s a lot in the news about student loan forgiveness of $10,000 or $20,000, and if you’ve looked into student loan forgiveness programs, you might have come across potential scamming sites. Below, we’re sharing an application for public service loan forgiveness, and tips to avoid potential student loan forgiveness scams. If you do not have student loans, be sure to share this with your colleagues!

Student loan forgiveness application:

If you have worked in public service for 10 years or more (even if not consecutively), you may be eligible to have all your student debt canceled. If you have not yet served for 10 years, you may also be eligible for credit toward forgiveness.

You may qualify if any of the following pertain to you:

  • You have federal student loans.
  • You currently work for, or you previously worked for:
    • Federal, state, local, or tribal government
    • A 501(c)3 organization

You must apply before October 31, 2022. To find out if you qualify and submit an application, click the button below.



Tips for avoiding student loan forgiveness scams:

  • Keep an eye out! You need to look out for many red flags such as:
    • Request for up-front or monthly fees
    • Request for your FSA ID account information
    • Unusual capitalization, incomplete sentences, or improper grammar
  • Don’t pay for help with loan debt relief (at least not right away)
  • Confirm you’re working with a U.S. Department of Education partner

To read more or find out what to do if you think you’re being scammed, click: Here

Client News, News and Events, Student Loan Forgiveness, TW&B News