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Welcome Al DeSimone to TW&B

Ter Molen Watkins & Brandt is pleased to welcome Al DeSimone to the firm as the newest adjunct consultant to our growing national team. 

Al spent 35 years in the higher education sector at three private institutions – Illinois Institute of Technology, Augustana College, and Kalamazoo College. During this time, he participated in six comprehensive campaigns that collectively raised more than $600 million. Learn more about Al’s career below. 

What drew you to work in the nonprofit sector?

Shortly after my graduation from Elmhurst College, I returned to my alma mater as an admission representative, a position I held for four years. Looking for something new, I decided to give the for-profit sector a try, and after three years, I determined this was not a good fit for me. My wife encouraged me to follow my heart and return to the not-for-profit sector and the rest, as they say, is history. I can honestly say my work over the past 35 years has been far more rewarding than anything I experienced during my brief but successful (as defined by the numbers) stint with a Fortune 500 company.

What unique perspective do you bring to organizations?

I know how to ask the right questions at the right time to get to the root of issues and solve problems within organizations. I have a deep knowledge of campaigns and how to balance these initiatives with strong annual fund programs. In recent years, I have enjoyed mentoring and coaching new CEOs and advancement professionals.

List a few accomplishments of note in your career.

My advancement career has played out at just three institutions of higher education, and I am proud of the deep and lasting relationships I have built with alumni, parents and friends of these institutions. Another source of pride is the six comprehensive campaigns I have participated in or led. Collectively, these campaigns raised more than $600 million. Even in campaign mode, we were able to reach the annual fund target 34 out of 35 years. Finally, I value the many opportunities I have had to help colleagues and friends grow as advancement professionals.


Read Al’s full bio here or contact him about consulting services as


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