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Tag: Theresa Lipo

Meet Amy Funk & Theresa Lipo

We are proud to introduce the latest additions to the TW&B team, Amy Funk and Theresa Lipo.

Amy Funk joins us as Vice President of Ter Molen Watkins & Brandt. She has a strong background in cultural institutions and human services. Amy has extensive experience with board development, recruitment, capital campaigns, and annual funds.

Theresa Lipo is a new member of our adjunct team, joining us as Adjunct Counsel for Government and Foundation Relations. Theresa has served human service and educational institutions in Chicago for over 25 years. She’s helped nonprofits secure funds from many levels of government, including the City of Chicago, the State of Illinois, and federal agencies.

We wanted to learn a little bit more about their backgrounds, their approach to raising money, and what drew them to this work. We asked them a few questions to get started. Read their answers below!

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